Tekstury dekorów kolekcji blatów Duropal Compact Mood Stories Comfort Collection
Main menu
- Product samples
- Design materials
Decor textures
- Textures of the decors of the Mood Stories Comfort Collection laminate board and HPL laminates
- Textures of the decors of the Mood Stories collection of laminated board and HPL laminates
- Textures of the Mood Stories Comfort Collection worktops and countertops
Tekstury dekorów kolekcji blatów Duropal Compact Mood Stories Comfort Collection
- Tekstury dekorów kolekcji blatów UltraFit Mood Stories Comfort Collection
- Tekstury dekorów kolekcji HDF lakierowany Mood Stories Comfort Collection
- Strefa Partnera
- Strefa Stolarza
- Strefa Architekta i Projektanta

Terazzo Grigio PK9028

Milano Marble PK9026

Metropolis PK9050

Corten PF8022

Classic Carrara PK9019

Roma Concrete PK9027

Terazzo Umbra PK9051

Lava Black PU1000

Chalk White PB0100

Taj Mahal PK9004

Dark Steel PF8015

Dove Grey PU1207